Thursday, March 01, 2012

New Decision

I've decided to start sending multiple submissions-- seems like it's a fairly acceptable practice these days, as long as you let the agent know.  Sent a query off via email last night, and am working sending more to a couple of other agencies today.  LOVE the ones who accept PDF book dummies/e-mail submissions!  Some of them get back to you surprisingly fast.  Fingers crossed!

The book I'm currently shopping around is, "Hey, Look!  Bunnies!", and if everyone rejects it, I've other dummy books waiting in the wings. 

"Never give up!  Never surrender!" - Galaxy Quest (haha)


Bigfoot said...

Your work is AMAZING. I expect it won’t be long until I’m reading a post about your new agent.

k.h.whitaker said...

fingers crossed :)

Shirley said...

Best of luck, Paige!! Way to go..I know you're working'll pay off..and thank you for sharing your progress!

Alicia PadrĂ³n said...

I wish you the best of luck my sweet friend!!

btw.. YOUR piggy below is a cutie! Mine is thinking of asking her out. Do you think she'll say yes? I'm putting a good word for him. He is a hard working pig I have to say, he's got a shovel and all, did you see? lol

Paige Keiser said...

Thanks Bigfoot! Thanks Karen! Thanks Shirley, and my pleasure! It's a lonely road sometimes, so it's great to share the journey with others.

HAHAHA Alicia, she totally has a crush on him! She says not to tell him though, mums the word ;-) They would make such a cute couple!

theartofpuro said...

Good luck Paige!Your works are amazing and if they don't understand it they don't understand what is really beutiful:)

Hardygirl said...

Yes!!! Multiple submissions is the way to go!
