Ever get that feeling that if you keep pushing through the jumble of drawings that just aren't exciting and inspiring to you, that you'll finally hit on something that reminds you of why you started in the first place? I'm seeing sparks of things, but I'm not quite where I want to be.
Outside of the projects I'm hired to do, I've been working hard on my own, struggling to find some sort of solid voice that is mine. I guess I'll keep plugging away. My thought is that if I can narrow down my work to one or two styles, then I can get so comfortable with that style I'll only have to worry about the emotion and content in a drawing instead of all my energy going into the execution/draftsmanship of a drawing. If I could get it down to where it turns into pure poetry with even the simplest of spot illustrations, I would be a very happy artist. Now if I could just get my mind to agree instead of flitting all over the place. Ha.
Yet another library fee that sucked the wind out of my lungs, recently--ouch. I'm going to put a giant piece of paper in my studio with current library book due dates written in thick red marker. I'm all for contributing to the Library system but my goodness.