Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Guess what's around the corner, kids (by the way when I say 'kids' I mean us illustrators/authors out there, who really are just big kids). Halloween--one of my favorite holidays! A book you might want to pick up this year--if you missed it last year--is Mommy? by Maurice Sendak, Arthur Yorinks and Matthew Reinhart. It's a beautifully created, extremely intricate pop-up book that will leave your jaw dropping to the floor.

I found a video on youtube which talks about the book and includes an interview with Sendak. This video is the first time I've actually seen Sendak 'in person' since all of what I knew about him previously was through articles and interviews in books. He's equally as animated and expressive as his characters. Enjoy!


Unknown said...

I was really glad to see this, thanks Paige.

Paige Keiser said...

You're very welcome Eric!

Sarina Renee said...

Yay! Thank you for sharing this. He's (Maurice Sendak) one of my writer/illustrator heroes. It's great to see him and hear him talk about his work.